Who We Are

The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

The legal affirmation of this right is a necessary pre-condition for the establishment of open and democratic government in Nigeria.

Acknowledging that sovereignty everywhere belongs to the people, R2K advocates for the transformation of the existing culture of secrecy in government to one of openness because the people have a right to know what their government does.

R2K seeks to build a movement in support of open and democratic government in Nigeria from divers sectors including, youth groups, organised labour, faith-based groups, market women, communities, government institutions, and professional bodies in whose name government claims legitimacy and who active participation is, therefore needed to hold government accountable.

R2K was instrumental in the advocacy for the adoption of Nigeria’s Freedom of Information Act. And has remained committed to promoting open and democratic government in Nigeria through advocacy for full implementation of the Act and building effective partnerships with diverse constituencies to make this possible.


To promote open and democratic government in Nigeria through advocacy for public access to information, participation in governance and vocal partnership with divers constituency, grassroots, civil society groups and government institutions.


An enlightened society where citizens are alive to their responsibility to constitute government and hold it accountable and aware of their right to access information held by government and participate in governance, in an environment of openness.

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The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

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