Press Release

14 June 2018, Abuja: As part of engagements to promote public access to the information and documents held by public institutions in Nigeria, Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) in collaboration with Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria and support from the MacArthur Foundation, today launched on the NEITI website an Audit Data Dashboard. The Dashboard will in a single click provide access to information on NEITI’s annual Audit reports on the extractive sector (Oil & Gas, Solid Minerals) in Nigeria.

This electronic platform will demystify the somewhat complex and voluminous yearly Audit reports into an easy to read and digest format with a built-in user-friendly search parameter and navigation.

Information and data on the dashboard is distributed on a yearly bases and includes data on Nigeria’s Extractive Industries revenues, payment streams, extractive companies operating in Nigeria, revenues paid yearly, production and lifting of oil inclusive of solid minerals revenue and contributions by States in Nigeria amongst other variables.

It is envisaged that this platform will allow for a more critical analysis and enriching debate with the data provided and foster the demand for accountability and more public engagement on the Extractive sector in Nigeria.

Click Here To View NEITI Audit Data Dashboard

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The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

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